FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)


I want to build the name using the title from the mp3 file, but some of files doesn't have title, how can I get over it?
One of the greatest enhancements of NIYoW, is the "ELSE" condition. Using this reserved word you can ask the system to try retrieve the title from the ID3v1.x tag or the ID3v2.x tag, or even set a constant value in case no title can be found. For example, in order to implement the above example, use the following variable: %id3v1_title ELSE id3v2_title ELSE const=No Title%.
The above variable means that NIYoW will try to get the title from the ID3v1.x tag, if it can't be found, try to retrieve the title from the ID3v2.x, if non of the previous values can be found, set the constant text "No Title"

Why do I see question marks (?) instead of the actual filename?
Use the Language tab in the Options window and press the Choose Font button. On the Script section, match the script to your language.
For example, Israeli users should use the Hebrew character set users while Japanese users should use the Japanese character set.

I need to remove specific characters from the filename but I can't see any specific rules for this. Is there a way I can do it?
When you need to remove characters, simply use the "Find and replace text" rule from the "Title & Extension" category.
Fill the "Find What" parameter with the text you want to remove and leave the "Replace With" parameter empty. This way, every instance of the text you typed in the "Find What" will be removed.


I have a pictures collection and I would like to add to the start of every file its creation date, is there any way to do it?
Of course! One of the most important features in NIYoW is the variables. Variables are dynamic values taken from the file and can be added to the name. When you create a rule, use the Alt+V combination and select the variable that you would like to add. You can also add variables manually by typing "%" (without the quotation marks) before and after the variable name. For example, to add the bit rate of mp3 files you need to use the %mp3_bitrate% variable, or simply use the Alt+V combination and then select "MP3 Bit rate".


I need to auto number a set of files, but I want to sort them and add the new numbers to the sorted list. Is that possible?
Yes it is. You can add the "Sort the list" rule from the "Sorting" category to sort the list by one of 6 different sorting types. Add it before the auto-numbering rule. This way, the list will be sorted and then the auto-numbers will be added. You can use more than one sorting rule in every set, according to your needs.

I need to rename a set of folders. How can I do it?
To work on folders instead of files, check the Folders Only box, select the start point folder and press the Scan button.


When I press the Scan button, I get a full list of all the files in the directory. I don't want to process the rules on all of these files. Can I filter these results?
If you want to minimize the scanning results, you can use the filter to specify which files you would like to retrieve.
For example, if you want to get all mp3 files that start with the letter "m", use the filter: m*.mp3
You can filter the results again individually by unmarking the check boxes of the items you don't want process.


In the Edit ID3 Tags window, what does the Copy ID3 & Paste ID3 buttons do? Why do I need it?
Use this buttons to copy the current ID3 tag into memory and paste them to any other mp3 files you want. For example, you want to manually copy the content of some song's ID3 tag to other mp3 song. Edit the source file's ID3 tag, Press the Copy ID3
button, close the window, open the target file and press the Paste ID3 button. The target file now has the ID3 tag of the source file. You can use this method for more than one file.
Note that when you copy the ID3 tag, only checked fields will be copied. This way you can control the copied fields of the source ID3 tag.


I renamed a bunch of files but then I realized that I made a huge mistake. Can I recover the old names?
Of course you can! NIYoW was designed to handle human errors. You can recover the old names by pressing the Undo button.
Note that you are unable to undo changes in the normal way when you already closed the program. In this case, you can use the /disasterrecovery command line argument. For more information, refer to the Command Line Arguments topic.

Have a question? Send it to support@niyow.com.

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